What happened to my tagboard?
Anyway, A big hola!
It's been months and life has been as good as it was or shall i say it's better? Yes it is! but then again i never fail to put myself in a state where making choices are never easy.
Basically, I should think that life has been all rosy and nice.. where love life. erm, yes but... but then again. I shall say that it is sometimes kinda vague. But then again I shall say that I'm kinda happy now :) Oh fickle minded me. /:
It's Monday tomorrow! Grrr!
Working life has been all the same treating me very well, apart from being busy on raving mad days which happens everywhere. Been in this new job for about 3 months now and I shall say that I am truly thankful for being where I am now. Seems that my boss and I do make good buddies. Ha!
At the same time, I do miss (working with) my former boss a big bunch! I thought I was going to be in the previous firm for the longest time ever like till i hit 30 or something! But then, I've moved after feeling very much ancient there!
At this point of time, I am truly honoured that they wanna me to work for them back. But at the same time I am in daze and confused. It's been 3 long months since I left my 3(++)year old job, and to think that my former boss(es) wanna me back, it's like a big decision that I have to make. A real BIG one.
If I were to tell my boss (the current one) that I'm so gonna work for my ex boss. He'd probably faint before me. (Seriously!)
He seems way to nice for me to break his heart. (Really!)
Like always trying to make me happy by accomodating to my needs, despite being with the firm for sucha a short span of time.
That's him, looking deadly tired due to insufficient sleep.
I will so post up pics of the firm and I on a separate (catching up) post.
On the other hand, my ex boss is one undeniably awesome boss.
By the way, I managed to spend sometime with the ex boss on his birthday last week.

I hate to be making decisions.
Especially one as tough as this.
I need to make a decision. A tough one.
Oh, I will so do lots of catch up soon! :)