Alright, it seems that time is not on my side now cos i just had too lil time at home, like even now i need to get ready, never mind about the massive blisters and aching feet, i will however still be out of the house and welcome 2010 with a big bang. Even if it means not partying in a club cos i 've already had way too much of that last night! it was pre-party towards 2010 people! so jumping on my feet again tonight seems like a NO GO baby. ohh, last night was just insane. i effing guarantee that it's gonna be jampacked and it's 10014584 times insane-R that last night, totally!
so fireworks for me tonight , a decent greetings to the new year:)
Since it's new year. new you, i mean new me. here's my new year new me resolution and for all to consider for themselves.
"Read less books. A little learning is a dangerous thing. Too much of it can really wreck your head.
Gain weight, at least 40 pounds. Didn't your mom always say you were bit skinny.
Cut down on exercise. Too much is bad for your health, it can even kill you.
Watch more TV. It's very educational. Catch up on all those programs you missed down the years.
Draw up a list of people who were nasty to you in the past year, get your own back on them in the next year!
Drink more. Wasn't it Benjamin Franklin who said, beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. So be happy.
Eat more nice things like candy, Big Macs, popcorn and ice cream. Eat less crap like fresh fruit, vegetables and soy nuts.
Work less. Take it easy. All work and no play can make you a dull boy or girl.
Play more computer games. Scientists say they're good for you and improve your visual skills. But you always knew that.
Take up some worthwhile new habit, like smoking - it helps keep tobacco workers in jobs."
Nah, I'm just crapping! I'll post up proper 'new year, new me resolutions' soooon.
Cheers to all, let's welcome 2010 with a big bang!
My wishes for myself and allll in year 2010!
Great start for Jan,
Love for Feb,
Peace for march,
No worries for April
Fun for May,
Joy for June to Nov,
Happiness for Dec,
Have a lucky and wonderful 2010.
Gain weight, at least 40 pounds. Didn't your mom always say you were bit skinny.
Cut down on exercise. Too much is bad for your health, it can even kill you.
Watch more TV. It's very educational. Catch up on all those programs you missed down the years.
Draw up a list of people who were nasty to you in the past year, get your own back on them in the next year!
Drink more. Wasn't it Benjamin Franklin who said, beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. So be happy.
Eat more nice things like candy, Big Macs, popcorn and ice cream. Eat less crap like fresh fruit, vegetables and soy nuts.
Work less. Take it easy. All work and no play can make you a dull boy or girl.
Play more computer games. Scientists say they're good for you and improve your visual skills. But you always knew that.
Take up some worthwhile new habit, like smoking - it helps keep tobacco workers in jobs."
Nah, I'm just crapping! I'll post up proper 'new year, new me resolutions' soooon.
Cheers to all, let's welcome 2010 with a big bang!
My wishes for myself and allll in year 2010!
Great start for Jan,
Love for Feb,
Peace for march,
No worries for April
Fun for May,
Joy for June to Nov,
Happiness for Dec,
Have a lucky and wonderful 2010.
I'll butt out for now yaw. doll up time. :::)))