I couldn't make up my mind.
Things are gonna be different. A huge different.
I truly appreciate the time you've spent talking to me for hours.
Here is the most important part, I have made a promise to myself that I will be using this hp for the longest time ever.
Thank you mummy! I love you!
Btw, my dad got the same hp as me. He chose the white and mine is black. and we exchange our stylus, so it pretty cool. So my black N97 with the white stylus and his white N97 with a black stylus.
I will not lose it, sell it or whatever! I'm so well known for not appreciating handphones. I even left my then brand new N76 in train while I was giggling away without realising that my hp was not in my pocket. And that was a present for my 21st bday from my then boyfriend. I still remembered vividly how I cried out loud in despair at the train station. I felt like a lifeless doll. my one and only video of my 21st bday which was recorded with that hp was gone forever. The best was when I sold my iphone to a friend who was at that point of time, was so desperate to get it for his mistress. Btw, that iphone was from my boyfriend. I shouldn't have sold it. He begged me! How could i not? Haiyaaah!
Just look at how happy I was when i got that iphone!
my dream phone then...
~17 April 2008~
When I got that N76 for my 21st ~ (lost it in the train!!!)
my dream phone then...
~31 July 2007~
I'm back from an awesome reunion dinner cum birthday treat from Karnan the big bear. It was a pleasurable time spent with this bunch of crazy people! :)
And here i am, after a couple of days of not having the time to blog. Here's my entry for what has happened during the last few days. My 23rd was celebrated with much much love and full of love and full of surprises and it was way beyond awesome! It all started with a bouquet of lilies and purple roses, a box of merci chocolates and a cute big bear from my darling boyfriend, far abroad in Australia. It was a sweet gesture honey. and after which i had another surprise, his bestfriend delivered a card and a Roxy purse to my office! Apparently, the boyfriend sent that package to his bestfriend and requested that the gift be delivered to me personally and that the flowers, chocs and bear were supposed to be delivered all at the one time but the delivery man came much earlier. But that doesnt matter, what matters, i've got them all before my bday and it was a pleasant surprise indeed. Thanks love.
And thanks to colleagues for the birthday cake! after i looked much disoriented, I left office after cutting the cake and rushed down to Central, Manhattan Fish Market like a mad woman with loads of stuff in hand to meet the bestfriend. We had an enjoyable dinner with me chatting away like there's no tomorrow. It seems that there's way too many stuff to share! And this darling bought me a charm bracelet from GUESS, which is oh so damn pretty! and it's SO ME please! I love it! and a frame with my name customised:) Oh! and I got this darling of mine, a miniature perfume from Elizabeth Arden with a very pretty flower box! I think she loves that too!
So at midnight sharp ~ 31 July 2009, my boyfriend called to wished me! oh God, just how much i miss him! a few minutes later, my dad called and sung me a bday song that lasted almost 2 minutes at least. Somehow it's damn funny.
The next morning, on the bday day itself, I was woken up with a surprise call. Well, somethings are better left unsaid. Whatever it was, i had a blast. It was way beyond what i expected. It was way too much of what i had expected. It was truly a nice gesture.
The night followed with a dinner with my dearest family. We had seafood galore! I totally threw the idea of dieting and whack-ed like nobody's business! My cam's battery went flat after i snapped these few pics!
Over the weekend, I attended wedding(s) lunch and dinner. Shopping for the tuna can(s) food. And meeting up with his bestfriend, to pass the stuff that the boyfriend had requested for. But to great dismay, I got a phonecall from the bestfriend that Australia are not able to accept any sort of FOOD to be delivered over. Like wtf please. So, it seems that the boyfriend got to wait for a month, 2 weeks and 5 days.