Random stuff, All in one.
*The story of a Super Gorgeous pair and blisters*

I bought this super gorgeous pair last weekend. It was love at first sight too. I went crazy looking at it. Trying it. And I even kept dreaming of it when I fell asleep. I was so super excited over it. So, I was looking forward to wear it on Monday. But……to my great disappointment, it’s freaking hurting my feet! But it’s not as bad as the Roxy pair. That Roxy pair was a disaster. I had blisters which look like tiny balloons on my feet. And I was limping when I got home last Friday. I wonder if I’ll be wearing it ever again. Such a waste. And the best thing ~ the blisters left marks on my feet. Wtf!!!!
Anyways, I’m still in love with this very gorgeous pair. I’m gonna let my feet rest for a few days before wearing it, most probably gonna have to carry lotsa plasters around with me in the hope that the plasters will save my feet. I think lotsa plasters is alright cos the it will be hidden =)
*The Swim*
Btw, I went swimming (Jurong Swimming Complex) last Sunday, with mum, dad & sis. And it was great fun! purely family bonding. Looking forward for our next swimming session. Probably, on National Day? Cos I had lotsa cool stuff happening almost every other weekend starting this Sat!
*The pretty Sourvenirs*
And..I so love this Fern pendant from NZ! My fav uncle went for a honeymoon in New Zealand and bought me & sis a very beautiful piece of souvenir each.

sis's ~ bracelet.
mine ~ necklace, fern pendant. *The Bday ~ Uncle's*Bought a cake right after work yesterday and rushed home to surprise this fav. uncle for his 49th bday. and yes he was truly surprised indeed. =)

Has been insane. Preparing for trial is one thing that i hate most. Plus the never ending work and a number of new cases that has been coming in. Another thing about work that i hate most, Meetings! which will drag for an hour or so. Speaking of which, i have one later at 530 - 630 and only GOD knows what time the meeting ends! wth! But on a happier note, there's a firm's lunch tomorrow! Now that's the one thing i LOVE here :P Btw, my boss gonna end his bachelor days soon. His BIG day coming up on 09012010. He was asking me to scan a contract made with his wedding photographer, Lightedpixels. and recommended that i should consider them and check out their website, http://www.lightedpixels.com/. One of the best photographer in Singapore. My reaction? *Blank*. *No comment.*
*Nisa's Wedding on 12.07.09*

Here's the wedding pic of the bride (Nisa) and the groom (Faizal), Shera and myself.
*The Diet Plan*
I kindof stopped drinking the tea that makes me run to the loo every now and then. I ate Mcd and KFC for lunch on Mon and Tues. My jogging routine wasn't regular at all. I did jog on Mon though. planning to jog last night but was too lazy. Maybe, i shall jog tonight. It's 3 freaking days away from
*The day* that i've been
dieting for!
Btw, my lunch for today was soya beancurd. I did my
pedi during lunch and it's very very pretty!=)
*The webcam date(yesterday)*
Lastly, it will not be complete, without my webcam date with this
gundu bf. I think by now my blog is flooded with many shots of these kind, but i dun't care. I guess there'll be truckloads of it appearing on every other entry of mine. hahaha. . .