The King of Pop is Dead.

The news has been spread all over the world and
almost everyone is feeling it. The lost of the King of Pop. Michael Jackson is dead.
I was extremely shock when I saw the news about MJ, the king of pop who dies at the age of 50. Mum being his fan was taken aback when I told her about MJ’s demise over the phone earlier. It’s pretty upsetting and thinking of how he had become over the years from his younger days when he was a popular music's premier all-around performer in the 1980s.
Sadly, as years went by, he became an increasingly freakish figure, a middle-aged man-child weirdly out of touch with grown-up life. His skin became lighter, his nose narrower, and he spoke in a breathy, girlish voice. I would have thought he would be way more better looking when he was truly himself before all the surgeries and skin lightening. And episode of his life continued with the accusation of plying a 13-year-old cancer survivor at Neverland in 2003, with alcohol and groping him, and of engaging in strange and inappropriate behavior with other children. The case followed years of rumors about the late MJ and young boys. In a TV documentary, he acknowledged sharing his bed with children, a practice he described as sweet and not at all sexual.
Anyways, I don’t know which is true or whatsoever but I am sympathetic about his life, everything that he went through to which of those that the media had brought to the attention of the public. The news that he converted to Islam was a shocker to me as I never thought that he would've chose Islam. I would think that it’s a wise choice that he had faith in this beautiful religion. Whatever it may be, now that he has transcended us, may he rest in peace. May he be blessed.
On another note to a woman who is quite selfless and heartless to the demise of MJ:
I hate you and I really do. The way you talk and everything about you, you self-seeker. Seriously, you’re a really mean person and incredulously lewd and it’s written all over your face. At this instance, I really feel like killing you. I am so imagining things right now. Anyways, I shall just ignore your nonsensical acts which disgust me.
On a totally totally sad note, tomorrow
he will be flying off to Australia, and we are down to only tonight to spend the time together. I’m sure we’ll be having a great time. Dinner,
and the next will be 3 months later. Movie,
and the next will be 3 months later.
Damn, it’s gonna be 3 freaking months without you!