Moving on, i personally feel that the months passes ever so quickly and i'm worrying. I feel that i am travelling on this road for a long time. I wanna a carefree life. I so want it. Stress-free life. Having said that, not that I'm not loving life, I am grateful to the all the little things in life and am contented to be loved and having my mum around to be my all time listening ear and a shoulder to cry on and constantly hoping the best for me. I love you mum. And also my best ever friend, those long exchange of emails is the place I seek solace during those times when I'm slogging hard for work and just when i needa break and got my fingers to do the talking, haha. And I really need to meet her. It's been so long since we met! And to ex-bestest colleague, lunches has been great with you, expressing all i could and just pour out everything and anything and may more lunchdates to come! And to the men in my life. Hang in there whilst i make the choice. Omg. that sounds wrong. I can only put it in a sentence of 3 words ~ bizzare love triangle.
I wanna be cheerful as ever, enjoy my achievements as well as my plans. Be myself, especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love, for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment, it is as perennial as the grass. Fickle as ever. Ok, i need to work on that. And in the midst of noisy confusion of life, gotta keep peace in my soul. and lastly, go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.
Be cheerful, Strive to be happy everyone!