Helpless, restless, senseless. It’s really going down. Wth man! I tried to put some sense into my head but I just could not put all the broken pieces back to where it belonged. It’s damn distressing having to think about it again and again. Every woman would be pleased when a man tells u how u made him feel so complete and that u’re the one he wants to spend his life with. And I guess breaking his heart is definitely the last thing you would wanna do. It’s a total confusion when you got that not from just one person. Love, at times is a cruel thing. Rather a fickle thing. It’s all about getting hurt and recovers and it goes on and on, but we got to think on a brighter side too, it will for sure turn out great when there’s no distraction and when u play your role as bf/gf/wifey/hubby. When you know what’s wrong and you know you should not be doing what u’re not supposed to. By giving and sharing and everything else, for sure it will be a ‘happily ever after’ romance, but, we got to face reality, nothing is perfect. It may happen though. When you are deeply in love, heartbreak can be traumatic. People suffering from heartbreak find their body and mind reacting strangely even in normal situations. They experience mood swings. And heartbreak songs make them weep uncontrollably. And most people say, “If you are going through a period of heartbreak, you must accept the fact that life goes on and so must you. Face those feelings of rejection and anger by acknowledging them, dealing with them, and then achieving closure. The most important thing is to get in touch with reality”. I know it’s hard for you. So do I. The feeling of uncertainty whether or not am I doing the right thing is lingering around in my mind every single min. Knowing the fact the love you are giving, your love amazes me... But why? Why am I not able to think?? I kept thinking day in and out but why is it so knotty? I don't know what more to say, but I am sorry. You know I have been hurt before, and it all seemed so wrong. I never meant to break your heart and if I could change what happened I know I would. I never meant to hurt you, and for the many times, I’ve said, I am sorry. Keep your head high, my dear and never let it fall. Though I broke my promise and your trust but you love me still and your unconditional love is so giving and yet you want me still. I'm just so touched for everything dear. Just one thing, never fear that I will forget you because there’s always a place for you in my tiny heart. I know it must mean little to swear never. But believe me, If you love something, set it free; if it comes backs it's yours, if it doesn't, it never was.