Previous entries from the old blog.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007Tell me juz hw do u get rid of the annoyance feeling within yourself. The odium u had for a person was juz hell way too much. u failed to comprehend ur feelings at times. U've tried many ways to forgive n& forget but the thought of that ‘unforgiving episode’ somehow lingers there, no matter hw perfect your love life may seem now but the flashes of ‘that’ horrendous momentos, nevertheless still remains. For goodness sake, when almost every single moment spent wif him is such a blessing, those laughter, that smile, that sweet nothings and the list goes on is all going just right & u asked urself? why the hell do u hafta look back? why? why? why?!
Posted @
11:21 AMWednesday, February 14, 2007it's vday. i'm feeling all the love!! Saw this bouquet of roses on my desk when i got back frm lunch=)love my darlin baby so muchie!!! well...i'm counting down to meet him later...n the prezzie i've got for him...surprise!Posted @
4:34 PMFriday, February 9, 2007In 25 mins more! im gonna run as fast i could, out of my office door! I'm just so damn freakin bored now! Nothin to do as of now. Baby fetchin me, but not here. cos he's still in camp now. not enuff time. I missed him so badly, so im extremely excited and can never stop smiling. crazyness TGIF, it's means it's just hw many days more for my surprise for my baby...surprise surprise...=)
Posted @
5:34 PMThursday, February 8, 2007it's been so damn freakin long since the last time i blogged. a new year and am still hasn't get the feel of 2007 n w/o realising how time flies - we are now in Feb! not a single entry frm me for Jan 07. work has been stress-free. but one negative thing i muz confess; i still hasn't change my punctuality disorder. Sucks. lunch with bestie was a bad experience at pizza hut ever! extremely poor service standard from ALL staff. no class at all. firstly - chicken soup almost dried up. secondly - we gotta wait up for our order for like more than 20 mins n 'the sloppiest waitress' i've ever seen in my entire life came to our table n said; the rice for the baked rice is not cooked. it's hard. goodness! can someone pls rescue us! but guess wat? no manager can be seen. it was only after almost all customers has left, then came the manager - wth. i struggled to finish my last 2 slices. the very last one was packed in a quite a big box. n thought of havin it now but am full still. An hr more to go, what was I doing the whole day? writing CNY cards..
why is he askin me what time i finish work tdy?Posted @
5:00 PMSaturday, December 30, 2006in less than 24 hrs we are stepping out from 2006! hop on to a brand new year. Time flies and the year passes damn fast!Posted @ at
11:51 AMFriday, December 29, 2006It's been a long tirin day, alot of giggling going on earlier with my bf.
Kinda pissed with my cam, cos when i was about to snap a shot of myself earlier in the office, the cam went 'teeet' a very long teeet and few seconds later, 'BATTERY EMPTY' was shown on the screen. and that means we are not able to snap any momentos.
For now, i'm gonna get some siesta. i'm dead on my feet cos of the heels. Nevertheless, i had a superb time with bf. Dinner at manhattan fish was great=) We managed to get a table fast even thou the queue was kinda long.we were lucky, cos there were a table for 2...the rest before us were like in big groups. so yeah, gave way to us :) a lil bit of shoppin for cushions for my chair in the office -bought one for bestie too:) got myself a camera pouch, Ipod cover, sis's socks, bf's psp's bag, etc. ok, dats it. goodbye. i'm dead beat. Giggles all day. it's really too much. really.
Posted @ at
12:15 AM Friday, December 22, 2006Finally I have ‘presented’ my xmas gift to dear crystal this mrg. When I gave her the prezzie. She was like ‘eh?’ ‘dun want ah…’ shy? Haha…i’ve actually bought it 1 & ½ weeks ago but though today might just be the day to give her the prezzie. Cos xmas is nearing. Am glad that She loves it.
Posted @
5:53 PMThursday, December 21, 2006Darlin’s mum called. she sounded worried, if my mum would be angry for whatever happened last nite & if I’m alrite. Infact mummy didn’t blame him at all. She was concerned. And so was Dad. Told his mum not to worry. Mishap happens n I believed it’s fated. No one can stop it. But we are really lucky. Hope everything gonna be alrite soon.
Posted @
4:33 PMDress(es) to Kill!!! i am very fond of dresses!!! i bought 2 of them at 35 bucks each. and i'm so very happy with it. i told myself not to shop for this week but i think i really need it for some remedy to unwind the astounded moments that happened last nite. can't wait to slip into em. Posted @
1:46 PMThe car is wreck! Few seconds after I heard the loud thud!bang! the boot was on the wall, and in less than 5 secs, the glass was shattered! with a loud popping sound. I was standing outside the car while he reversed & then it just turned out to be a big blow. was so shocked & I bet baby was feelin much worse than I am. Poor him. He was bowled over the whole thing. We were famished and in the end there was no dinner for us. I really think that if only we had eaten at Satay Club, we wudn’t be caught in that accident. The thing was that we have parked the car & was infact walking towards Satay Club and that’s when we decided to go elsewhere when the crowd was like way too pack. So we headed to Woodgrove where the calamity occurred. Baby muttered something like ‘lucky thing I wasn’t inside & there’s no one at the backseat. My family rushed down half hour later. His dad seemed calm when he got there. He thought the whole car was smashed but lucky it was just the boot and the window, plus a slight dent on the side. But still it was so incredulous. Thank God there’s no injuries on him. He still hasn’t recover from the confound. Commiserate is just that one word to describe how I feel for baby. But dun u worry honey, the car gonna be fine soon.*to bestie dear,thks so very much...
Posted @
10:17 AMDec 14, '06 1:58 PM
It's pouring outside & i'm feelin so damn cold. should have gotten capucinno or the rich caramel-like espresso, some hot drink instead of this javachip from Starbucks. but i dislike hot drinks. Sipping it now, my all time fav drink from Starbucks. well, the food i had for lunch wasn't nice at all. never to go that foodstall ever. It wasn't rainin as yet, then i decided to treat my colleagues for some Starbucks drinks. Got all of them mocha frap with no whip, mine would be this all time favorite Java Chip. The taste ~ marvellous. Drinking it for like 5 times a week & not gettin bored with the taste. I much change my preference the next time round, but it seems, i'm hooked with the same one everytime. Shall try the new one, peppermint mocha.
Dec 13, '06 4:02 PM
i really feel as though now i'm in some very cold countries snowing...or what? super cold! tummy is so full now. for more than a mth finally am having rice for lunch!else it wud be either Mc, Deli, Kfc or Bk every other day for lunch on a rotating basis. Am sick of fast food! Bestie bought brownie for breakfast which i still hadn't finish masticating. On a separate note, i seriously feel there's not a need for me to read anyone replies if i dun feel like reading & i know for sure it's wasting my time. And again i wished to reiterate; don't act up against ur ownself n try to ridicule me in anyway, cos the game that is played just show that a sore loser is tryin to prove nothin but to belittle me and what? to soar to be the best? i needn't do much, GOD is fair. Accusations & denuciations on me will end up slapping ur own face one fine day. A piece of my mind. Be nice to pple on your way up, coz u will meet them on your way down. no matter how high u seem to fly, your landing is always at the bottom. The peak is not always where one step on forever n lasting, one ought to be at the lowest bottom pit when u think that is the least possible thing that can ever happen. The least one can do is' mind ur own life cos life is short, there's a limit to every cruel deeds and bear in mind --hell yeah, KARMA does go round and come round. so just back off. find some love which is lackin instead to be roamin in my space. ***The tide is starting to turn, and am at the helm of a glorious ship that is sailing off into a very beautiful sunset, i love my career, my kindred, esp mummy dearest!! my baby and my bestie and all the kissmas thingy goin on, sale n everything else, my whooping pay and what else? my new drawer from my boss, all the things i've shopped for :) my life of cause! May the new year 2007 greet us all wif a bang!***
Dec 7, '06 2:25 PM
The flexibility will come in very handy everyday, when a lot of different opportunities strain the delicate balance I’ve achieved in my career. Juggling all elements easily with customary flair is a one-off.=).
Get these Understood.Nov 25, '06 4:42 AM
Will never let the arrogance of someone whom thinks and revel that she has the power to annoy me. Instead, let it amuse me. By the way, I dun really need wild denunciation for my daily dose. Mine would be potatoes!!!(yum) be it, fried, boiled or mashed. well, let's not talk bout food nw. The main point here., an obsessed rival who is an unselfconfident of oneself that mortifying herpoorself. Rather uproarious the whole situation she’s putting herpoorself in. Getting a bit too self-important? Will not let the arrogance of someone of this sort get under my skin – I’m not gettin frustrated. Why shud I? and the egomaniac will remain blissfully ignorant of how annoying she is being. If you can see this person's behavior as amusing, you'll be able to create a day with periods of comic relief, rather than exasperating encounters. People who feel powerless to make themselves happy often use arrogance as a shield. I gotta learn from that. Someone's drive for success of basically making a fool out of herself and all the denials and trying to bring me down or rather the right implications - ‘u are the one who is fundamentally green-eyed/envious of one who is undeniably innocent. Ain’t reflecting ill repute of me, instead the obsessed one whom supposing hating me, y would be cared less to be a frequent visitor here. It doesn’t make sense, and I seriously thought I've failed to comprehend that but i'm seeing the scenario here. A person with the right mind definitely would too. I got all the same answers from many; my kindred n frenzy. People of this sort: You can only lead this horse to water. You cannot make it drink. Just when u think the confusion and exult level gets high, no it won’t. I have no grudges with one seem unsound and rather so obsessed to the one who that is being detested. Really need a lot of time to get the tools needed to deal with herpoorself. Keeping cool is going to save me much more time, so just chill for me, organize my mind for the other important things I should look forward to. Yeah…my life has always been a rapture - Day in, day out. There’s no reason for me to be uptight... It's a waste of time for me to be grieving over an obsessed attention seeker? No. 1 disturbed fan? the denial drama of not being spiteful? Hmmm…take the chance and just we know what’s her quandary. Trying real real hard to tick me off? No. indubitably a No would be my rejoin. Its undoubtedly be seen that the way she stand up to confrontation, so undiplomatically. Conflicts are no one's idea of a great time, but they are a part of life, and they're a big part of anyone’s life. But ain’t those wild accusations that actually is echoing and reflecting your own insecurities in my blog. Drop the act, that you are better cause’ seriously I doubt that mind is geared up, the same echelon as mine. Save the candy coating for another day, perhaps another life. If you use a gentle but direct manner, you will make a point. But heartrendingly, there’s zilch that she is attesting all along. Someone here is just trying to prove that I don’t have what it takes, but I’ve got the secret weapon. I’m not just dazzling – I’m full of substance. And it’s you. Who really need to wake up. By the way, keep up the job, not worth losing it for the late night mind numbing wasting time session to debase me, and end up not being able to wakey wake up and being called up. It will get you nowhere, perhaps on the streets, say - negotiating yourpoorself? Definitely I see that these are neither as big nor as terrifying as she thought it may be. Ain’t elevating my adrenaline - is not wise at any point anyway. I’ m not conceding nor am I throwing in the towel but I believed it’s getting monotonous for the obsessed rival; goodness sake, it’s analogous! It’s not worth my time but I’ve gotto make it apparent, who needs help the most. Move on - forget everything else, especially me I know its hard but u need to fix yourpoorself most importantly. I don’t have to be reiterating myself to impel you off or to call a halt . Just a piece of advice – Grow up, Get a Life! --Damn! I all so keyed up for later…gotto be another great sat yet again wif darlin baby!!! is tickin...bedtime!
SHAME ON U!Nov 9, '06 6:35 AM
*i haf been wanting to blog bout this since the time I saw her-viewed me, but time was so limited. i'm so super freaking bz everytime, so here goes my anger. i'm not this very mean girl but she made me do this. i haf to let it out. God knows how bad she is; a blabbermouth, rumourmonger, gossipmonger, chatterbox, jabber, busybody, u named it, watever else lah. actually there are more than one person, but for now i'm referring to this one particular bitch... I literally feel like vomiting whenever I happened to see her. It’s not that I wanna look at her, undernourished body and skeletal pair of emaciated legs. But do I have a choice back then? No, I guess. Now, my eyesight is getting better. Outta that place, so no more worrying on unsightly creature(s). I find her so utterly revolting, so completely bigoted and downright vicious. To the bitch of the year 2006, shame on you! Obsessed over me huh? Wanting to know the updates of my life? For me, If u hate that person to the max, like how I hate her, I wudn’t even be bothered to be a big kpo over her life, dun even wanna be acquainted w her repulsive life. Ur very life disgusts me .We are rivals & for the fact that u hate me so much for the reasons of none other than you know better, cuz u juz can’t accept the fact dat I am far much a better person than u are, ur-urgh-ugly-duckling-look!I almost forgotten that unbelievable super jagged set of tooth she have! Yikes! it’s a total turn-off, u f*ckin bitch! Wat stomach churning experience for those who hafta talk to her right in the face!I felt sorry for u people. If I were to find myself in the same space with that bitch ever again (which i hope not!) I would have to leave to prevent myself from spitting at her--won't even be friends anymore with someone who tries to apologize for her. You might as well be a white supremacist so far as I'm concerned. Whereas I see a genuine monsters with whom no decent person would ever voluntarily associate. It’s irksome to be innocent & u know u are just being yourself, nice & respect others n stuff but somehow people around can’t just be a normal human being with a good heart but to envy you instead and be very mean n sometimes u wonder wat the hell did u do? So it’s clearly be seen as; jealousy. At first I didn’t see it as one of the logical reasons and refused to accept that as a basis of what leads to these until many told me that was it. I wonder, we, esp women, can’t just be happy for what we haf & instead turned nasty to the innocent ones. And I admit it: I've seen horrendous behavior from all corners of the jealousy spectrum. It’s just a shame for you bitches. Although I haven't always lived up to my own best aspirations. I'd like to see better from people & lesser conflicts on small petty things such as jealousy, to destroy all the love, to make us a better living people. On the other hand, I no longer find stuff like that to be more than a petty annoyance. It used to upset me, because I value reasoned discourse, and someone who indulged in that kind of shallowness on a regular basis (we all slip once in a while, being mean, etc). Now I just shrug, tell myself that we'll never get rid of nasty, irrational people, and I Period.
miss him already!!!Nov 6, '06 3:2
6 AM

Darlin baby's new hair style.*giggles* it's been sumtime since last i blogged. was just about to blog bout smtg i've been wanting to for the couple of days, but darlin baby called & said he's on his way to my place, so no chance. It was pouring heavily in the late noon juz lucky thing, darlin baby drives. So, went for his hair trimmed, even though, it was already so short, still he has to get it trimmed, being in the NS, really sucked for guys, i guess. It was kinda rushrush cause he gotta book in by 930 n it will be a long week to wait till next sat! Am glad dat we did haf a great time last nite! naughty, is all i can say*grin* so sleepy now, gd nyte or rather gd mornin..
I like it when we talk on the phone, but I love when we're together and I'm not alone. I like when you say you love me when we're far away, but I love it when you say it to my face. I like when you say I can't wait to have you in my sight, but I love it when you say let me hold you tight. I like it when you're concerned and say what time should I be there, but I love it when you say I care. I like it when you say I miss you, but I love it when you say can I kiss you? (u always sd u can't wait for this!,naughty u!) MISS HIM...
Never steal what's not yours!Oct 28, '06 3:00 AM
The pain has gone for long
But still it lingered here like a song
We were so in love
Till she came along
Destroyed are all the love
That we hold for so long
It’s a crying shame
Not me But her
It’s over the game She played,
Truth be told She’s not the one!
I'm the sweetie that he wants!
so move on bitch
stop the itch.
if so u did bear in mind
dun just sit n says 'he's mine'
cuz i'm the one to say that line!
*i know it's all over n i'm contented that baby & I are leadin a blissful journey together..thank god for that. To mum n cryssie dear, thks for being there..those times...eeww. Think~K.a.r.m.a.
It really does happen.
hair changin...Oct 27, '06 3:40 AM

1. the 'on da way'.(it's late, wonder still got time anot?)
2. the 'before'.(it's 8, she's about to close her shop, bt ma fav hairstylist v ON one!)
3. the 'process'.(scalp v painful!)
4. the 'after'.(not wat i really wanted though.)
red pair of eyez on raya eve!Oct 24, '06 10:30 AM

That green eyeliner there that i wore the night b4, it got into ma eyes (contacts)...guess the powder from the eyeliner makes it so reddish. My monday~to wake up wif my very super red pair of eyes & it sucked! The pain was torture-rous! can’t even put on ma contacts cuz partly, the contacts is the cause of it. I believed that becuz of the green eyeliner that I wore underneath my eyes was the major cause of the whole redness. I can’t wear my contacts on Hari Raya! Crystal was so shocked to see me early in the mrg in that state…it looked like as though I’ve been weeping da whole night. Was ½ day at werk…got home to rest…was @ da ‘SuriaRayaLive’ show frm 10-12 @ Kg Glam, was so crossed wif myself for not bringin ma cam!I would normally have it along wif me – almost all da time. but unfortunately not tonight. Got lotsa things to snap at, the celebs, fireworks, etc. Off to bazaar geylang after that. Needa get my corset for the kebaya, got another kebaya suit for 80 bucks. Tried on so many of em’! There were like so many people earlier since it's the eve of Hari Raya. All so sweaty, yucks. Human jam...gonna glam up soon…n not forgetting to seek forgiveness from mummy and daddy for the many wrgdoing I’ve done this year. I'm gonna be a good daughter this year. Promise! To all, who's celebrating this special day, SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI!
Ma fervor 4 xcessoriez!Oct 21, '06 4:29 PM
theze are those dat i've fallen in lurve wif. n they came hm wif me on thurz. it waz xcessoriez madness fer me!fallen fer many many of em, dat includez earringz,necklacez,braceletz,hairclipz, etc. darlin baby goes ‘y so many?’*giggles*I haf always been in lurve wif all these!esp, big, bold, chunky, outstandin ones. Addin on to da old ones dat I’ve got, pluz all of these..mummy n daddy sd I can venture on a biz…hmmm, mayb 5 yrs frm nw? Perhapz.
ma remainin tues...Oct 18, '06 1:58 AM
got a call frm harry to help him wif some part-nyte-time door host job at clarke quay- whenever i'm ready. He suggested for me to come in, most prob afta da festive he wanted someone preeeetty for a door host n w/o much thought, he buzzed me,,,haha, b4 he cud complete his sentence, i cut in, n sd 'hey!datz me!u've got da rite number dude!'(no shame huh?)*giggles* $10 bucks isn't bad fer juz smilin away at guest/patrons/customers-cool hunks...nah!got a boyfren*remember!gettin em' to dine in dat servin.promotin watz on da menu?hmmm...ain't to sure wat a door host entails there...cuz harry gave his words dat i needn't worry.simple job waz wat he sd. rite afta da's time for me to leave office,finally.met nisa.was late as always n forever n ever. she can even text me-i hate waitin for a matter of fact,she didn't send da msg to me.instead she showed me her hp!mean gerl!hehe...there's one funni ting that irritates us. ok, it's not us but me.a sicko guy wif his sicko fren was tryin to be funni at raffles when we was about to board da train...comentin dis n happened they sat kinda opposite frm usual, me n nisa was chattin non-stopable, while dis sicko guy kept smilin, winkin, etc, tryin to get ma attention.cudn't stand it...cuz it's uncomfy, hvin twosome lookin at u while u talkin...felt like laughin bt angry oso cz he's bein a pest!so, nisa n i got down at somerset n board da next train.they muttered sumthin like'c!she got down already...' bumped to ex skool mate whom nisa sd he looked like a ***.dis ex-skool mate has been askin me out fer like so no to him i guess.we r juz no more than ex-skool mates n friends.period. rushed home n freshen up...ate one of ma favorite dish - mum's bestest fish soup. no time for digestion, darlin baby called n sd he's reachin in 5 mins.rushed. rushed. ate AGAIN in less than an ma fish n not nice eh...time spent wif darlin baby waz superb. a great tues i muz say.
poor darlin baby...Oct 17, '06 1:48 PM
poor darlin baby hafta commence his course (to drive da army lorry i supposed) on 23rd (eve of hari raya!) blardy hell! might as well fews days afta hari raya rite! he’s so aggravated bout this shit…another bad news, dat he has to stay in afta hari raya…means no more stay out on weekdays…ain’t sure bout weekends…hopefully not…haizzzzzzzzz….I’m so bored rigid now. Work has been exasperating! am late as usual. got here @ 10! 3 hrs ++ moooooore gonna head home wif nisa…darlin bf will fetch me frm ma nest… anticipating dinner wif bf n his campmates…thinkin wat to eat later…fish n chips sounds great…hmmm…yum yum…
NytE oUt wif mA LoVe n his FaMiLyOct 15, '06 2:12 AM
ma sat --spent wif ma darlin baby wif his mum,dad, n 2 bros...went for dinner _break*fast at changi v.ate nasi lemak..satay..otah..then headed to bazaar geylang.was supposed to meet ma mummy n daddy n sis there bt mum canx da plan to go there cuz poor darlin sis was feelin feverish...da bazaar was freakin hot...i mean it's so uncomfy...was perspirin constantly!juz hate it! peeps everywhere i turned.left.right.front.back.eeeeee. if onli da whole plc is air-conditioned///hmmmm///wudn't it be juz great?
updatesOct 15, '06 2:09 AM
went for da interview n amazinly i got da job!!it's like 2 job waitin fer me...isn't dat juz great!well, dis place is offerin me $200 mooore bt i ain't sure if i wanna take up da challenge for da seems tougher...da lawyer looked so super serious,,,not lyk the one i clinged earlier...dat lawyer so on...n sometimes i guess it's realli not about da money bt da environment too...i've yet to decide...time will tell...needa few days mooore b4 i finalised my for da casting @ digital pixels always eqa is well known for her lateness...i reached there at 8pm sharp..whereas i needa b there before 7pm.(actualli anytime btw 10am-7pm)I really sucked at punctuality.i guess i gotta blamed da lawyer who interviewed me!he spent almost 1 blardy hr at his office.(longest interview eva!)bt it's worth it lar cuz i got da in dilemma nw...
lotsa happenin's todae!Oct 13, '06 2:05 PM
There is a fine line between devotion and obsession -- so i betta be sure i'm not spending too much time at 1 plc that ultimately could be holding me back. *Enjoy maself, but gotta make sure i'm able to walk away at any time. Freedom is something i need to maintain. i need to keep moving around todae, roaming among different groups of peeps and not staying too long in any one spot -- a rolling stone gathers no moss, remember? Stay footloose and moss-free! Havin said dat...tentatively, at any point of time frm now till 7 tonight, i need to be at da audition fer an investment ad at amtech bldg...whee!so xcited!was told so last min bout it dat i MUST go fer da i was left wif no choice bt to absent maself frm werk many many texts frm so many peeps when i woke, dat makes me ah? was frm dis co. wanted me to attend da interview at 545 todae...hmmm...can smsed one i haf accepted a job offer confused!afta sum thorough tinkin, i guess it's no harm goin fer dis job interview...well, at de end of da day,,,i'm sure i'l be able to differentiate da best deal...hmmmm...headin to chijmes afta dat!It's friday!fer now, i'm gonna look thru ma lil' boutique fer wat's best to slip in todae!
a mth?!sooo long...Oct 11, '06 3:23 PM
Phew! signed my appointment letter yesterday, w/o resignin from here…ma boss ain’t around fer da couple of dayz…haf been sick…i’ve actually prepared it…just haf got to hand it to her…hmmm…wonder if she freaks out tmr…how will she rejoin…i really hope i did da rite ting..and no regrets…hope da new plc will be ‘da plc’…da boss sound so promising…hmmm… da gd ting is dat he is willin to wait fer me to serve ma 1 mth notice,,,OMG!1 MTH?! soooo long….
nailed da job offer!!!Oct 9, '06 1:52 PM
WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!I've nailed da job dat i went for!!!haf been dying to get my arse outta here, i mean here! where i parked maself!woohoo!i sumhow haf dis feelin i'm gonna get da offer cuz he mentioned dat i'm da best applicant so far.....and so i did!..just waitin for my final countdown!
a great week!Oct 9, '06 2:16 AM
this week has been a 'fun ride' for me!for those who know, they shud know...but my vision was blurry blurry eh...heehee..cuz i refused to wear my glasses,damn da eye cornea infection!nonetheless, am gettin my pair of contacts soon this week!cuz ma' eye is gettin betta...lovin ma life as it has been a bliss...there's one exceptional tho...Work sUx!hate da feelin havin to go to werk in a few hrs mooore!yikes
I got Cornea Ulcer Infection!Sep 30, '06 6:06 AM
Red eye. Severe pain. Difficulty blinking. Doc told me contact lens wearers like me have an increased risk of ulcers n i was hoping dat i didn't fall into dat category..! after he did a thorough check on my eye, he sd i got cornea ulcer! it might even spread n can cause severe damage and even blindness within 24-48 hours if left untreated! OMG!i'm freaking out!I did not adhere to strict regimens for the cleaning, handling, and disinfection of my lenses and cases due to my busy schedule..haha!and see what happened!Doc say not to wear contacts for at least a couple of wks!bt I dun wanna wear my glasses!! aarggh!
LateSep 27, '06 1:44 PM
damn!opened my eyes. ma' room was so bright, ma heart was racing and da very last thing i wanna look at; was my clock! it's almost 9 am!blardy hell! i shud be in da office by 9am...damn! rushed like siao but still reached office 2 hrs later. Goodness. stepped in da office almost 11!!!Phew!
Hady Mirza Crowns SI2!Sep 26, '06 2:24 AM
Singapore Idol Crowns goes to Hady Mirza!!!wheeeee! Voted for him like many times! Worth my $0.60x countless votes!more than 20 votes i guess...but it doesn't matter how many votes i voted!wth..HADY MIRZA is the WINNER!!

Hady Mirza has won this year's Singapore Idol contest!
Hady Mirza has won this year's Singapore Idol contest!
Hady Mirza has won this year's Singapore Idol contest!
Hady Mirza has won this year's Singapore Idol contest!
Sep 25, '06 1:53 PM
it's so bad to hurt someone, whom u merely known...i know it's ain't rite though but it's best if things are left unsaid.
OUR TIMESep 24, '06 2:38 AM
Days have come,
like there were none.
Weeks that pass,
which did not last.
Months are gone,
that only moved along.
The year was fast,
like those of the past.
He has captured my heart and soul,
and I fear to let him go.
Only time will tell,
what fate has to hold.
The future only knows,
what is yet to unfold.
His kisses of much passion,
which burns with desire. To a pleasing embrace,
with kisses as required.
This loving moment in time,
my heart he can mend.
That wonderful moment of bliss,
no woman would wish to end.
broken tooth bcuz of me..Sep 21, '
06 4:46 PM

Mr blur broke his front tooth last nite while callin out for hilarious can it be? i was laughing out loud till i almost fell to my knees when he recapped the whole scenario...according to Mr blur, he was waving at me from afar w/o realising dat there's this glass door in front of him and got his whole face knocked over the door!i'm laughing alone in ma room now...thinkin how blur can he be? how i wished the whole set of crooked teeth he haf wud juz came off...cuz he was like repeating the whole thing over n over again...n blame me for that! Blur!!
lazin ard...Sep 21, '06 12:32 PM
here i ma' room, not at work. felt so sicky n sucky with the coughin n the flu bug, ma' throat is killin me!!Planned to juz chill at ma' nest da whole noon n for sure gonna meet ma baby when the night falls...miss him like oh-so-much!
loving him is a wonderful thing...Sep 17, '06 3:32 AM
simply adore...him! i love him so much that i could hardly xpress it in words. It seems that i've found the special one and it's him that i want... love... the wonderful times we've shared...
wat a mrg!Sep 14, '06 9:32 AM
i'm feeling so doomed! firstly, my favourite 2 and 1/2 inch-pointed-black-shiny shoes was stolen!!!!damn!wore my fav black dress to match wit dat shoes but it's's nowhere to be seen!wonder which poor-blardy-bitch/theft stole it??!Bloody hell!!!! secondly, was supposed to come early -ard still im late...reached at 850!!!!was supposed to conduct some search b4 she attend court at 9..i think she's so mad at me but she maintained her coolness...she got some other secretary to do it for her instead..wat an ineffectual secretary am day is ruined.......................feel so sucky now that i'm famished...anyways, am counting down to meet my love at the end of tdy. At least, somethin that keeps me goin' for the day!
POP.Sep 14, '06 12:29 AM

it's a scorching hot sunny and a long tiring day for all the graduates, parents, gfs, relatives who came for the POP at pulau tekong tdy..poor darlin am i...So, here it means that no Ms Vouge 2006 comp. for me cuz i've forgo the chance to be 1...ain't sure if i cud win, bt my 'mgr' have faith and full of confidence that i'll walk away with the $2k guess i shall juz stop thinkin bout it. cuz i love my bf soo muchie that i wanna be there wif him and let the chance go to waste.Ms mgr sd there's always other oppoturnities that may come by...cryst dearie sd same thing too.maybe..anyways, am happy for my darling baby that he's outta that plc...finally the day is gone...wondering where will his next posting be?
I'm a fusion?Sep 13, '06 2:36 AM
I was at chijmes last night for a dinner and there's this swedish man came to me and asked if i'm a local and so ... after a lil chat, he was like ah-hah! You're a Fusion...i was like errm..fusion?
where do i start...?Sep 12, '06 4:03 AM
hmmmm...well...where do i even start? rite, 1st of all,,big thankie to ma' dearest Crystal Anthonia McCall for creatin this blog of mine..cryst u are fully aware, im so not very free to do all this..cuz im like so freaking super bz wif so many stuff!haiz...and this blog has been stagnant for like so long since the time u created it huh?!whew...and it takes so longie for me to even lay my pretty little fingers to this websie and take a peep here...And, tdy's the premiere! even this websie was chose by my bestie...hottieqadorablebabe...?was thinking it was kinda lenghty bt seems to be liking it though...cryst dear,,thanks for choosing this name anyway...lurve herrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!she's one adorablebabe too!it's like so late now n gotta few hrs mooore b4 i hafta rush to always..every mrgs..wud be a rush rush for me.."i'm late!" this 2 words will be the 1st thing to ruin my day each mrgs bt yet i've made no efforts!!Im like well-known for that!!
werk was fine bt was so freaked out to even asked for a 1/2 day leave for wed for my darlin bf's p.o.p...smtg like a graduation thingy goin on...n i am in dilemma nw...1st of all im so eager to get my leave approved so dat i can be there for my darlin baby's graduation tingy...(he's completing his 3mths of suffer-ment in tekong!)finally.and so i tot i wanna be at the same time, i wanna be part of Ms Vouge Singapore 2006!!!got a call when i was munchin for lunch dat i need be there on wed..which is the same day for darlin baby's p.o.p like so confused..and y the hell it's on the same day...i think it won't take long though for watever they need me to be there. but still i dun think i can make it there cuz i'll be at tekong frm 2 till 6 or later? so how the hell am i gonna be at 2 plces in a day..well the actual comp. will be on fri -15/9.but still, if i wanna be qualified for the real thing on the actual day, i shud be able to make it tmr!!!bt hw!?oh gosh...buzzed my so-called 'Mgr' as how she used to name herself ..cuz joinin this comp. was all her ideas...she was so excited more than i did...kinda checkin fr me if there's any updates and even sd that i don't hafta slog to werk after winning!..babe, my confidence level is not so high eh...ha!but things get so messed up!!told her was not sure wat shud i do?bt..i she angry or wat if i decides to forgo this whole comp. and be wif my bf for his pop thingy...cuz she's so*on about this Ms Vouge thingy and im like givin my i-dun-give-a-damn attitude towards this thing?she sounded like..soooo diff.....i dunno wat was she thinkin bt im dying to know!!!n cryst dear suggested that i shud tell darling bf about these and let him decide for i wanna be there wif him as well as be part of the comp. !! still in deep thots as where will i be on wed noon?thot of telling darling bf earlier bout all this but he sounded soo tired after rehearsing for p.o.p for almost the whole day n was asking if my leave was granted for me to be there at his grad..i love him too much to say; no darling, im nt gng cuz i have this and wudn't b deep dwn..hw i wished i can haf both?! life..u can't haf every good things happening at once...
Posted @
2:54 PMhmmm, here i am in my room on a's cold outside...i'm pondering as hw to import my old bloggies to this bloggie...will try to: )well, some updates on what happened to me on Fri evening!!!wanted to wash n blow ma hair, and so i did at this hair salon just below my office...IT WAS DISASTROUS! never never to go to that shop ever again! all proffessional hair stylist was bz. so end up, there's this student - hairstylist whom basically -was his 1st time washin long haired customer. he had a real tough time. being nagged n shouted or smtg frm his so-called shifu. n guess wat? i was there - for 1 n 1/2 hr!!!left the shop @ 1/2 past
8!!#@*$! it wudn't take long for normal wash n blow! i think 1/2 hr or 45mins will be da max. but.. argh! the outcome was maddening! he basically dun even know hw to blow my hair! he's so afraid of the shifu. n each time he wanted to comb my hair down n blow it, the shifu will snatch the comb n demo how to..and it was not a peaceful at all with her screeching voice and the sound of the blowdryer! Yucks. hate it!but i cudn't blame that poor chap, with that kind of shifu, he's freaked man! My advice: nvr to get a student hairstylist to do ur hair!i'm thinkin of the nasi lemak i had wif darlin baby last nite. cos now i'm famish now .no breakfast yet. had nasi lemak for supper last nite.wanted to eat murtabak at bugis --arab st, but it was kinda late n we weren't sure wat time they close..coz darlin baby fetched me at 10.10pm!!!so we decided to go to Changi V. n as usual, the crowd for nasi lemak was like super long. after a long wait for about 1/2 hr or i tink moore.., then we managed to njoy our food. poor darlin bf gotta queue for his food n mine. n by the time he gets to the table, his food was gettin a lil cold...nevertheless, we enjoyed our supper n our tummy was like -whoah!
Posted @
12:56 PMFriday, December 15, 2006My 1st entry. I've decided to switch from multiply to blogger.
I'm kinda bzzzz now. Will be right back soon.
Posted @
2:18 PM